The Kids Cabin
By: Ben and Gaby
(Scroll down below this intro for updated posts!)
Hello, our names are Ben and Gaby! We are sailing around the world on a 40ft (12m) boat called Cool Runnings for 2 and a half years. Ben is 13 and I'm 11, and we are both brother and sister. We love sailing around the world, and love learning new things about the places we visit. On this page we write about recent things that have happened, and since we can only edit this page, you will have to scroll down below to see our latest posts. I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures!
Ben and I |
Wednesday, December 6th, 2017
Well its December now, and we are finally in Cape Town! We have marina WiFi so I decided to do another blog!
The passage from Knysna to Cape Town was surprisingly okay! I absolutely LOVE Cape Town! We are in the V&A marina currently, and my oh my it is such a nice marina. It is really sheltered and we is located in a great spot near where the Volvo Ocean Race boats are! The boats are sooo cool, sleek, and especially fast. I also love their reverse bows. There is kind of a festival around them with interactive stuff like simulators and even a little movie theater! I made up my mind when I'm a little older, I am going to do some sort of extreme sailing, and I even thought of going in the Volvo Ocean Race! I definitely have my dad's blood, eh? ;)
Anyway yesterday we went with the Moby's to the festival 2 days ago. We had already been but they hadn't so we got to go again! They arrived a few days ago after sailing all the way from Richard's Bay straight to here!!! We haven't gone up Table Mountain, or gone to Robin Island but we might go with Moby.
Also my birthday is coming up and so is Christmas!!! Sadly we will have to leave 2 days after my birthday, but oh well at least it is not at sea! In maybe a week we are driving up to Joe Burg for Christmas, and we will see our family there! For New Year's we are planning to go to Stephan's Farm with Shuti and Moby if they haven't left yet. Well have a very Merry Christmas even if you don't celebrate it, still take the day off and also have a very happy New Year's!!!
Wednesday, November 15th, 2017
Sorry I haven't written for a while! We sort of have internet which is our mobile data, but its so precious I was just going to wait until we have free internet. Anyhoooo, we arrived in Knysna this morning after the worst passage we have ever had on this trip!!! Even though it was just one overnight, it was still scary... The night was the worst, with the winds coming up to 40 knots with monstrous waves. Every 10 minutes I would say, a huge wave would break over us in the pitch black, while a river of salt water rushed through the door and down the starboard hull. I've never been more scared in my life... Finally the morning came, and so did the rain! Oh, and I forgot to say we almost hit a whale just to add to the chaos! ;-) Knysna is beautiful, and so is the town here. You may be wondering, "Well she just said that she wouldn't use mobile data for post!" Well folks, we have free internet that we can pick up from the yacht club!!! *dance of celebration*
Wooow, so A LOT has happened since my last post, like going to farms and riding dirt bikes, climbing up mountains, sailing to Durban, lots of braais, sailing to PE, and finally sailing here! But please, read my mom's update on "Fun at the Farm" because it would take about 4 hours to write it all again but from my perspective... I hand it to her for tackling the big stuff!<3 Anyway hope (Caution: True American Language coming up) y'all enjoyed this and I look forward to writing again! ;-D
Tuesday, October 24th, 2017
Gaby reporting again! It's been 10 days since my last update, but I'm here again on our last day at Salt Rock with internet for a while, so I thought I'd update. First of all I just have to say, WOW!! We just got 200 views on the Game Reserve blog post that my mom did!!! Thank you to everyone who looks at our blog, even though probably 10% of everyone who views our blog looks over to our corner, I still want to say thank you! On a side note, we had a very busy schedule on people to see, so be prepared for a lot of names!
Anyway... Quite a few things have happened in the past few 10 days. On Saturday, my dad raced in a laser in the Johnson Cup in Durban!!! He got in 2nd place (half a second away from 1st!), out of roughly 50 people! My dad hasn't sailed a laser for literally 20 years, but had lots of fun racing and seeing his old friends from which he sailed with when he was a kid. I'm soooo proud of you daddy, and well done!!! Also during the race, once my dad had sailed away from our view, we went to see our Oma, and Opa, which is German for Grandma and Grandpa! This was our first time seeing their new house, which was very nice and was next to where my Oma's sister, Tante Ami used to live. Also we saw Gisela and Martin Tscheuschner, who have been following our blog for a long time, so it was very nice to finally meet you guys!
On Sunday we saw Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch, and their daughter Jillian. Mr. Murdoch taught my dad how to sail when he was 12! And my dad taught us how to sail when I was 7 and Ben was 9, so I think there might be a tradition starting... I think the last time I saw them was when I was 3 or 4, I don't really know! The same day we saw our second cousin's for the first time! It was REALLY fun playing with all the kids. They had a pool, a trampoline, and even a zip line!!!! Later on we went to their grandparent's house and went for a walk through a beautiful hilly golf course. We had a lot of fun rolling down the big hills and getting so dizzy while our parents disapprovingly looked at the grass stains on our clothes.
Yesterday we went to see Andrew de Vlieg and his family. They had 3 super adorable dogs which of course I LOVED, and 2 cats which were also very cute! The wife, Anna, had an art studio and was very talented at art. She inspired me to continue painting and sketching the places we visit, and said,"I believe in you.", which is what inspired me so much.
Today we went to see a movie called "The Emoji Movie" which was a special treat. My favorite part was the music, (because in cinema's they usually play the sound loud I think) and the speakers were sooooooo good so I loved it. I defiantly take after my dad. ;) Just now we went out to dinner with Gary and Jenny Harmon. I wasn't very hungry because of the movie snacks, but I suppose it is usually nice to go out to dinner.
Tomorrow early we are going to stay at John and Heidi Watt's farm! When we drive back to the boat, I don't think we're coming back to Salt Rock, so this might be my last post for a while! After that we will go to Vicky and Haydn's farm for a while, and then finally go back to the boat. It's nice traveling, and staying in the Salt Rock house, but Cool Running's will always be home sweet home.
Saturday, October 14th, 2017
As promised, here I am again! Yesterday I said today I would write about our game farm experience so here we go...
We arrived after a 2 hour drive to Mkuze Falls Game Reserve! Ben and I stayed in one room, while my mom and dad stayed in another room which I think qualifies as a house because of how huge it was. At 3:30 I think, we went on our first game drive! The first animals we saw were 2 cheetahs walking in the tall grass!! I remember when we last came to South Africa we got to pet a cheetah called Enigma I think, that was in a sanctuary, but this was my first time seeing them in the wild! They are so beautiful and are my second favorite animal. We watched them as they climbed up a dirt mount and lay down. That day we also saw a male lion at sunset which was incredible! The last we came to SA we also saw a lion but a female, so now we've seen both in the wild!
The next game drive we went on has a 5:00 in the morning! We are used to not having a phone wake up call, usually just the sound of waves crashing over the beach, or my dad talking very loudly, so this was different... Anyway it was FREEZING in the morning. That day we saw lots of elephants, because the day before my mom ordered some elephants off the menu, so the guides found a ton for us! We also saw some giraffe I think and some Impala, and other types of buck.
The next day we saw The Big Five except for a leopard, because they are so hard to find. But we did see another 2 cheetahs,( probably the same 2 as the first day) lying in the grass, so we just pretended it was a leopard...
So that was our time at that beautiful reserve! I hoped you enjoyed it even though it wasn't much. I don't know when the next time we get free internet is, but I will do a update whenever we get some more free internet! Be free to leave comments because we can receive them on our satellite email. If we don't have free internet for a looong time, I might even do an actual post on the home page! Stayed tuned to my next blog update on the Kids Cabin, as they always say on T.V. or whatever!
By: Gaby
Friday, October 13th, 2017
Hello everyone! I've decided I'm going to start working on the blog! I can only update the Kids Cabin when we have internet, but look every now and then to see if there is a new one! Also due to much request from friends and family, I'm quite happy to start writing about what has happened recently.
We arrived in Richard's Bay on 7th of October, so we have been here almost a week. You don't know how happy I was to know that soon we would be reunited with our family and friends in South Africa. Sailing along the coast of SA was very exciting, not only because that we all new we had completed one of the passages we were most afraid of, but because of how many whales we saw! Surprisingly we saw about 50 whales, half of them mothers, teaching their calf how to fin or tail slap. We came as close as we dared to one pair, while feeling the vibration of the huge tail slap the water. Ben said he saw on a documentary that they use slaps to communicate when the swells are too big. It was so amazing and it is an experience I will never forget!
After we checked in we went to the Yacht Club with our new friends "Full Circle." They had a much deeper draft then ours, so they sadly ran aground on the sandbank. They managed to get off though at high tide and made it safely in the marina. That same day my mom's best friend Vicky, and her family came over to see us, and stayed the night to. The next day we went over to their BEAUTIFUL house in Salt Rock. We went to a mall which was sooo weird because we hadn't seen a mall with millions of clolthes and shops, and people everywhere since Australia! Its actually quite overwhelming, but we then stuffed ourselves with a breakfast so big I was full for the rest of the day, and I promise I'm not exaggerating!
Sadly our little vacation from home ended quite suddenly when a cyclone came out of the blue, with no warning, and was flooding Durban in no time. We raced home in our little speedy car and made sure the ropes and everything was secure. We put out 2 anchors just in case. The highest the wind came up was 47 knots! It felt like 60 so I can't even imagine what 60 knots would feel like!!!
That ends this post for today, but I will hopefully do another tomorrow about us going to a game park since we have free internet!
By: Gaby
Wednesday, April 5th, 2017
This is Gaby's essay on her day in an Australian School:
Hi, Ben here, I guess this is my update for today! Sorry for not posting on "Kids Cabin" for so long. I feel terrible but never get around to it. :( Anyway, Gaby and I recently made a video of a tour of Cool Runnings, So be sure to check that out! By the way, The name Of our Raft Is Rasta Rocket! In honor of what the Papeete Port Captain's nickname for us was! Ok, I just wanted to say hi from Bora Bora! :)
Saturday, August 27th, 2016
Hi this is Gaby, I jut wanted to say hi because I have never posted anything on the blog before, so I wanted to give it a try! I also wanted to inform you that Ben and I have made a video of a boat tour starring Ben as the tour guide! Right now we are in Bora Bora, and taking a break, planning our next route.
A few days ago Ben and I went rafting in our raft our aunt gave us before we left. (Thank you Kimmy!) I was so much fun, that I hope we can use it again soon! We haven't put it away yet, so when Ben and I get in the water and play, we tie it onto the boat and play on it in the water! Yesterday we did that. One of us would get in the the water, one would get in the raft and we would pretend that the person in the water was a whale, and would try to flip the raft over!
I hope we can update soon!
Thanks, Gaby
Sunday, May 22nd, 2016
We got the drone working! After a lot of hard work (thank you mommy!) and frustration, we got our Phantom 3 Professional to work and fly! :D It was actually quite anti-climactic because of how easy it was to control and how it work flawlessly! I LOVE that drone, because it's not only simple and easy to fly but also very fun to do as well!
Sunday, May 22nd, 2016
Hi guys, it's Ben here! :) Due to MUCH REQUEST, I'm here to do an update! Yay!! :) (sorry for all of the smiles) anyway, Kayla requested that I talk about the craziest thing Iv'e seen so far and that would be... (drum roll) The Gatun Locks! they are absolutely unbelievable in scale, volume and everything else! They are an amazing feat of engineering, and it was awesome seeing them in person! Sorry for not posting recently. :( Bye! :)
Gaby reporting again! It's been 10 days since my last update, but I'm here again on our last day at Salt Rock with internet for a while, so I thought I'd update. First of all I just have to say, WOW!! We just got 200 views on the Game Reserve blog post that my mom did!!! Thank you to everyone who looks at our blog, even though probably 10% of everyone who views our blog looks over to our corner, I still want to say thank you! On a side note, we had a very busy schedule on people to see, so be prepared for a lot of names!
Anyway... Quite a few things have happened in the past few 10 days. On Saturday, my dad raced in a laser in the Johnson Cup in Durban!!! He got in 2nd place (half a second away from 1st!), out of roughly 50 people! My dad hasn't sailed a laser for literally 20 years, but had lots of fun racing and seeing his old friends from which he sailed with when he was a kid. I'm soooo proud of you daddy, and well done!!! Also during the race, once my dad had sailed away from our view, we went to see our Oma, and Opa, which is German for Grandma and Grandpa! This was our first time seeing their new house, which was very nice and was next to where my Oma's sister, Tante Ami used to live. Also we saw Gisela and Martin Tscheuschner, who have been following our blog for a long time, so it was very nice to finally meet you guys!
On Sunday we saw Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch, and their daughter Jillian. Mr. Murdoch taught my dad how to sail when he was 12! And my dad taught us how to sail when I was 7 and Ben was 9, so I think there might be a tradition starting... I think the last time I saw them was when I was 3 or 4, I don't really know! The same day we saw our second cousin's for the first time! It was REALLY fun playing with all the kids. They had a pool, a trampoline, and even a zip line!!!! Later on we went to their grandparent's house and went for a walk through a beautiful hilly golf course. We had a lot of fun rolling down the big hills and getting so dizzy while our parents disapprovingly looked at the grass stains on our clothes.
Yesterday we went to see Andrew de Vlieg and his family. They had 3 super adorable dogs which of course I LOVED, and 2 cats which were also very cute! The wife, Anna, had an art studio and was very talented at art. She inspired me to continue painting and sketching the places we visit, and said,"I believe in you.", which is what inspired me so much.
Today we went to see a movie called "The Emoji Movie" which was a special treat. My favorite part was the music, (because in cinema's they usually play the sound loud I think) and the speakers were sooooooo good so I loved it. I defiantly take after my dad. ;) Just now we went out to dinner with Gary and Jenny Harmon. I wasn't very hungry because of the movie snacks, but I suppose it is usually nice to go out to dinner.
Tomorrow early we are going to stay at John and Heidi Watt's farm! When we drive back to the boat, I don't think we're coming back to Salt Rock, so this might be my last post for a while! After that we will go to Vicky and Haydn's farm for a while, and then finally go back to the boat. It's nice traveling, and staying in the Salt Rock house, but Cool Running's will always be home sweet home.
Saturday, October 14th, 2017
As promised, here I am again! Yesterday I said today I would write about our game farm experience so here we go...
We arrived after a 2 hour drive to Mkuze Falls Game Reserve! Ben and I stayed in one room, while my mom and dad stayed in another room which I think qualifies as a house because of how huge it was. At 3:30 I think, we went on our first game drive! The first animals we saw were 2 cheetahs walking in the tall grass!! I remember when we last came to South Africa we got to pet a cheetah called Enigma I think, that was in a sanctuary, but this was my first time seeing them in the wild! They are so beautiful and are my second favorite animal. We watched them as they climbed up a dirt mount and lay down. That day we also saw a male lion at sunset which was incredible! The last we came to SA we also saw a lion but a female, so now we've seen both in the wild!
The 2 cheetahs we saw on the dirt mount |
The Lion King! |
The next day we saw The Big Five except for a leopard, because they are so hard to find. But we did see another 2 cheetahs,( probably the same 2 as the first day) lying in the grass, so we just pretended it was a leopard...
An elephant |
A mother giraffe with its baby |
A male kudu |
By: Gaby
Friday, October 13th, 2017
Hello everyone! I've decided I'm going to start working on the blog! I can only update the Kids Cabin when we have internet, but look every now and then to see if there is a new one! Also due to much request from friends and family, I'm quite happy to start writing about what has happened recently.
We arrived in Richard's Bay on 7th of October, so we have been here almost a week. You don't know how happy I was to know that soon we would be reunited with our family and friends in South Africa. Sailing along the coast of SA was very exciting, not only because that we all new we had completed one of the passages we were most afraid of, but because of how many whales we saw! Surprisingly we saw about 50 whales, half of them mothers, teaching their calf how to fin or tail slap. We came as close as we dared to one pair, while feeling the vibration of the huge tail slap the water. Ben said he saw on a documentary that they use slaps to communicate when the swells are too big. It was so amazing and it is an experience I will never forget!
The mother teaching the calf how to tail slap |
After we checked in we went to the Yacht Club with our new friends "Full Circle." They had a much deeper draft then ours, so they sadly ran aground on the sandbank. They managed to get off though at high tide and made it safely in the marina. That same day my mom's best friend Vicky, and her family came over to see us, and stayed the night to. The next day we went over to their BEAUTIFUL house in Salt Rock. We went to a mall which was sooo weird because we hadn't seen a mall with millions of clolthes and shops, and people everywhere since Australia! Its actually quite overwhelming, but we then stuffed ourselves with a breakfast so big I was full for the rest of the day, and I promise I'm not exaggerating!
Sadly our little vacation from home ended quite suddenly when a cyclone came out of the blue, with no warning, and was flooding Durban in no time. We raced home in our little speedy car and made sure the ropes and everything was secure. We put out 2 anchors just in case. The highest the wind came up was 47 knots! It felt like 60 so I can't even imagine what 60 knots would feel like!!!
That ends this post for today, but I will hopefully do another tomorrow about us going to a game park since we have free internet!
By: Gaby
Wednesday, April 5th, 2017
This is Gaby's essay on her day in an Australian School:
My day at an Australian School!
By: Gaby Hibberd
The moment I woke up I was
so excited for this Wednesday. Today was a special day: I was going to a real
school! I got on my own uniform I created a few days before. I had breakfast
and the time was near. Momma got a drive and put a few photos and a video Ben
made a few months ago on it.
Finally the time came to get in the dingy and
meet the Chambers at the parking lot. If you think about it, how many people
can go to a school in a dingy? Not a lot… While we were driving to school I had
butterflies in my stomach.
finally arrived to Rivermount College! We got out the car and walked to the
classroom. Brett and Annie Chambers walked with us to our classroom. Annie said
goodbye and went to her own classroom. Brett started introducing us to it
seemed everyone in the school but it was probably only 50 people. I don’t know
how many hands I shook that day!
Finally we went inside our classroom and Brett
introduced us to everyone else in the class. Ben and I did our presentation and
showed them the photos and video on the drive.
We left for computers when we were done
talking. The rest of the class was doing some project they were finishing when
Ben and I were allowed to go on coolmathgames! It was so weird just having
internet all of a sudden!
After computers we went to “Morning Tea”,
which is actually just snack break. We then went back to the classroom and they
started doing math. Luckily we didn’t have to do it, instead we did scribble
art. You might be wondering what that is so I’ll explain what it is: You just
get a piece of paper and draw circles and meet back at the start. Then you
color the shapes in with patterns or anything! My one had flags on it. Anyway
we did that and when we were finished we cut on the outlines and glued it to a
piece of black paper. I didn’t get to keep it though, because they said they
wanted something to remind them of us. But, I have to say I wanted something to
remind me of them and I was a little disappointed I couldn’t keep it.
After they finished Math and we finished our
scribble art, we went to lunch. We got surrounded by girls who were firing
questions at us. I have to admit and so does Ben, that we both got on better
with the girls than the boys. We played a little bit of soccer, which seemed to
be the big sport there.
When our lunch recess was finished we went to
Music where we got to play the keyboard, the drums, and the electric drums! It
was really fun, and one of my favorite subjects we did that day.
Annie came and told us it was time to go to
her class for reading time instead of going to P.E. with Brett’s class. We went
to her class and started to read “Uncle Prank”. When we were done we went to
the front of the class and did another presentation for them.
Finally the end of the day came. It really
didn’t feel like 7 hours! But it was not over for us. Annie had the Triathlon
after school and we watched her do most of it until Brett had to go to soccer,
so we dropped him off and went back to pick Annie up. We finally went back to
the boat after a wonderful day at Rivermount Collage!
Off to school! |
Saturday, August 27th, 2016Hi, Ben here, I guess this is my update for today! Sorry for not posting on "Kids Cabin" for so long. I feel terrible but never get around to it. :( Anyway, Gaby and I recently made a video of a tour of Cool Runnings, So be sure to check that out! By the way, The name Of our Raft Is Rasta Rocket! In honor of what the Papeete Port Captain's nickname for us was! Ok, I just wanted to say hi from Bora Bora! :)
Saturday, August 27th, 2016
Hi this is Gaby, I jut wanted to say hi because I have never posted anything on the blog before, so I wanted to give it a try! I also wanted to inform you that Ben and I have made a video of a boat tour starring Ben as the tour guide! Right now we are in Bora Bora, and taking a break, planning our next route.
A few days ago Ben and I went rafting in our raft our aunt gave us before we left. (Thank you Kimmy!) I was so much fun, that I hope we can use it again soon! We haven't put it away yet, so when Ben and I get in the water and play, we tie it onto the boat and play on it in the water! Yesterday we did that. One of us would get in the the water, one would get in the raft and we would pretend that the person in the water was a whale, and would try to flip the raft over!
I hope we can update soon!
Thanks, Gaby
Sunday, May 22nd, 2016
We got the drone working! After a lot of hard work (thank you mommy!) and frustration, we got our Phantom 3 Professional to work and fly! :D It was actually quite anti-climactic because of how easy it was to control and how it work flawlessly! I LOVE that drone, because it's not only simple and easy to fly but also very fun to do as well!
Sunday, May 22nd, 2016
Hi guys, it's Ben here! :) Due to MUCH REQUEST, I'm here to do an update! Yay!! :) (sorry for all of the smiles) anyway, Kayla requested that I talk about the craziest thing Iv'e seen so far and that would be... (drum roll) The Gatun Locks! they are absolutely unbelievable in scale, volume and everything else! They are an amazing feat of engineering, and it was awesome seeing them in person! Sorry for not posting recently. :( Bye! :)
The locks in full effect! :O |
The Original Tug (and i think the first!) |
Monday, April 24th, 2016
SHOE OVER BOARD!!! Gaby's flip-flop fell off of the dock at the marina. It was a good man-overboard drill though! We worked as a team and in no time the flip flop was back on board! :)
Friday, April 17th, 2015
Today we got our boat back! Our dad picked us up from school and we headed down to the boat yard.
There we got to see Cool Runnings get lowered into the water. They used a MASSIVE crane to lower it down!

A big Crane Indeed! :)
I almost had a heart attack when i was standing in the path of the crane and it started up!
I just want to say thanks to everyone who has viewed our blog! We really appreciate it! Check back in with us often for updates, and don't be afraid to leave comments and suggestions, they all help! :)
So excited to see this blog. Can't wait for more news. We'll be following you guys.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your exited! I'll update everything regularly! -Ben :)
ReplyDeleteWe hope you had a really great birthday. Wonder where you'll be this time next year?
ReplyDeleteThanks Uncle Volker...know that I think about it I wonder too??? from Ben...
DeleteAlmost there Ben. Can't believe it's a year ago. Don't forget to let me know where you are.
DeleteHi, Gaby speaking! We were in the Dry Tortugas! We actually also went snorkling at the Windjammer shipwreck! It was beautiful, sadly the current was quite strong!
DeleteI hope you both have a wonderful trip. This will be the experience of a life time!!!
ReplyDeleteYea,thanks 😃
ReplyDeleteHey guys. We've just been viewing your blog and have to say wow - epic adventure and such a fantastic time as a family. Kira (12) and Kenan (10) thought it pretty cool that they have cousins they've never met who are sailing around the world (they would be very keen to see some photos of the "Kids Cabin"). So for now God bless and "Peace be the journey". SA cousins Rowen, Lauren, Kira, Kenan and Austin.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that kids like the "Kids Cabin"! I will get right to work on the photos! ;) -Ben
ReplyDeleteHi guys now that your off sailing take care take lots of pictures and keep us posted on how things are going. Make sure you help out and keep your rooms clean!!! Sorry I had to through that one in. Enjoy this journey because it's going to be great.
ReplyDeleteKeep us updated as often as possible. Loved the story about the flipflop overboard. Only go overboard when you decide to have a swim now. That's an order!
ReplyDeleteHello Hello out there ------ We are SOOOOOOO jealous ---- have finally got onto your blog to take a look and WOW WOW WOW looks like you are going to have the year of your life. Well done for making this dream come true for you and your precious kids - what a gift! Let me know if this is the right place to comment - date above says 28th April so I feel as though I may be a month out. When will you be headed to NZ and OZ - can't wait to catch up and meet your children - has been many many years now. Well guys you all look amazingly well and happy - keep posting pics so we can go green with envy - sending lots of love across the seas - stay safe and keep blogging
ReplyDeleteHi its Kayla thank you Ben for my request I love you guys so much. Miss you all.
ReplyDeleteHave just found the "Kids' Cabin" for the first time - good going, Ben & Gaby! Keep it up! I will be following........ Take care! Best Wishes from Johannesburg! Thorsten.
ReplyDeleteHello Ben and Gaby. Looks like your having a good journey so far. Keep sending pictures and it's interesting to see what you've been doing. Take care of everybody and tell them I said hello. Have fun and be safe!!
ReplyDeleteHi Ben and Gaby. We saw you just before you went through the Gutan lock gate. I just got home from work at 5 and Tracy phoned to say you were heading through the locks so we all sat down to watch. Only the hawk eyes of Tracy saw your boat and mast for a very short time. Then I watched waiting to see you come out the end of the lock exiting into the lake but I think the cameras had frozen in time never appeared. Gave up at midnight after seeing yo were anchored in the lake....via your tracker. What an exciting time. God Bless Love you Granny
ReplyDeleteHi guys! This all sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOL!!!! I'm really excited for you and have decided that I definetly want to do the same when I'm older...! Can't wait to see you in a few years time and hear all the details of your stories and adventures! Have fun and please keep updating your blog (We are following you)! Miss you lots!
Hi guys,Téa REALY wants to go around the world like you to see dolfins,she LOVES them!!!! I hope you have LOUDS of fun!!!!!! Maya❤️💛💚💙💜
ReplyDeleteHi Tea and Maya! We can't wait to see you both when we get to South Africa next year!! :) :) Love and miss you all lots!!
DeleteHello Ben and Gaby!! This is Mrs. Gallenstein :) Looks like you guys are having some awesome adventures. Can't wait to see what other adventures are awaiting you guys. Safe travels and God bless.
ReplyDeleteHi gaby it albert
ReplyDeleteHi Gaby & Ben, It's Isabel & Ava. We wanted to wish Gaby a very Happy Birthday!!! You all look great. Love reading your adventures and seeing the photos! Such cool places you have explored. We miss you all & have you in our prayers. Love, the Hysell family
ReplyDeleteHello to the entire Hysell family...we miss you guys!!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes, and for following along with us! We would love you guys to join us some where along the way!!! All the best!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Gaby, I loved reading your report on your day at an Australian school. I think you should push your mom and dad to allow you to go to Hurlyvale Primary School at the end of this year with Téa and Maya. Then you get to try out a South African school too
ReplyDeleteHi Ben,
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!!!!! Hope you have an amazing day!
We hope to see you soon.
Lots of Love,
Téa, Maya, Karené & Detlef
Kids Cabin blogs are getting a bit sparse. What's up guys?
ReplyDeleteHello Gaby and Ben,
ReplyDeleteWe haven't met yet but I've thoroughly enjoyed following your adventure. Thanks so much for sharing and keep up the good work. I just love reading Kid's Cabin Blog!
Hi Gaby,
ReplyDeleteI miss seeing you in person! You look like you've grown so much! We all miss you here at school; even the boys:) Here at school we have so much drama I wish I was you. Mostly everyone has a boyfriend like Haylee and Blaise, Maya and Chris, etc. Luckily for me I'm still single!:) I can't wait until you and your family come back. Have fun and stay safe.
Your friend,
P.S. Hi Ben, just to let you know I still miss you. Mostly Gaby but still you.:)
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BEN! Looks like you all are having a great time in the Caribbean! The photos are spectacular and LOVE the blue water.
ReplyDeleteLove the Hysell Family
This blog is very good it is very useful for me Family Tours South Africa we all have learnt dance if you want to learn contact us
ReplyDeleteA storage cabinet for kids is a must-have for keeping playrooms and bedrooms organized. Designed with child-friendly features, a storage cabinet for kids offers ample space for storing toys, books, and essentials. Bright colors and fun designs add a playful touch while promoting cleanliness. Sturdy and safe, they ensure durability and easy access for kids. A well-designed storage cabinet not only declutters but also creates a cheerful and organized environment for children to enjoy.